Portable User Guide
The ORYNOCO PORTABLE is a tool that can help you to expand your
understanding of this technology and how information fields can be accessed.
The two included TSE cartridges carry information fields for support in the
following ways; balanced energy release
(yellow/cream cartridge), and core maintenance (white cartridge).
Balanced energy release gives a resource for the body to draw on key minerals
for energy conversion, for example: magnesium, potassium, copper
Core maintenance is about providing support for the balancing of blood and
provides access to improved grounding.
Guidelines for Use - Remote and Local
The Portable can be used all by itself, it does NOT require having
access to any of our other products. The information below about using
it with our other products is for individuals who already have our other
products and wish to use them together.
1. Using the Portable as a standalone without attempting to connect it to
any V4 Pods: just set it up, create the intention for all the work you do in its
presence to be optmised and enhanced, and then do your session or group work
as normal.
2. Connecting to your own V4 Pod remotely: therapists working in two locations
can successfully use the Portable Pod as a satellite that is remotely connected to
a WSU V4 POD by creating an intention to connect the two remotely as described
herein. First place the Portable in the midst of the V4 Pod towers, like on the chair
you would ordinarily sit on when using the V4.
Create an intention for the two fields to link and 'remember' their connection even
when the Portable is in another location.
Then when using the Portable in another location, create the intention again for
it to link to your V4 Pod remotely and brings its field present.
Then create the intention for all the work you will do in the presence of the
Portable Pod to be optImised and enhanced; then do your session or group work
as normal.
3. Connecting to the planetary V4 Pod field remotely (if you don’t have your
own V4 Pod): setup the Portable in as energetically clear an environment as
Create an intention for the Portable's field to link to all the interconnecting fields
of all the V4 Pods on the planet, and to then 'remember' that connection
regardless of where your Portable is located. Leave it in this mode for a few hours
then consciously conclude that resonance entrainment session.
Then when using the Portable Pod, create an intention for it to link to the
planetary field of all V4 Pods it was entrained to, and to then bring that field
present into the space it is located in for the benefit of whomever is experiencing
the Portable Pod’s field.
The Purpose of the Adjustable Head Angle
This feature is so that you can position the head with its coil (the black area in the
tube) at different angles. This is a nod to Bio Geometry, which is a science about
the quality of the space you occupy, and the energy and interactions of the energy
in that space.
Changing the angle of the head-coil will change the interaction with the space it is
in. We have found that a vertically positioned coil is a real quick and easy way to
bring balance to an individual or a space, provided the space is not too large.
Using the coil horizontally positioned will invoke a longer balancing effect, and the
effects can be deeper than when it is in the vertical position.
The 45 degree angle position right in-between vertical and horizontal, offers a
combination of these two characteristics and which predominates is to some
degree determined by the space it is in and the individuals interacting with its
Experiment, and you will get to know which angle works best for you, and in which
circumstances. We usually make an assessment with a sensitive person initially
and then change the angle to see the response. An energetically sensitive person
will also be able to feel this themselves and go from there